Infinite Corpse!

Hi, everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve done an update to the Success! blog. I hereby decree that this space is going to be a dumping ground for all of my comic illustration projects, including another forthcoming comic, tentatively titled “Atonement”, and a new comic opera, “Summerhaven” which are in the works.

In the meantime, I have some good news on the comic front! Recently I made a contribution to the Infinite Corpse project, which is an ongoing online story created by over 500 comic artists, including such luminaries of the comic and illustration medium as Carson Ellis, Alison Bechdel, Art Spiegelman, and Craig Thompson. To my excitement, the organization curating the project, the Trubble Club, accepted my submission. My panels had the immense honor of following Bill Griffith, creator of Zippy the Pinhead. I am truly humbled. Follow this link to see the panels and follow the story.

And while you’re here, this is what my three panels look like:
