Happy Belated Valentine's Day/Early St. Patrick's...

Hey, everyone,

Valentine's Day is long past, and St. Paddy's hasn't arrived yet, but here at RHQ, we're drunk on productivity and the joy of creation. Secretaries are swooning, executives are melting in their chairs, and I, your humble CEO, am gazing out my 43rd-floor corner-office window thinking, "Hang on, how did I get here...I don't even have an office!"

The reason things are so topsy-turvy here at Reclinerland HQ? Success!, Act 1, Scene 4 is live! I couldn't be more thrilled to introduce you to some of Gregory's new friends. Please enjoy this latest chapter in Nicholas and Gregory's story.

By the way, my offer still stands. If you'd like to be DRAWN INTO SCENE 5, which starts production in March, visit the donations page. Or, just head over to www.patreon.com/successcomic to make a monthly pledge. You could even just click the button below to make a one-time donation. And, as always, if you're enjoying the comic, spread the word. I so much appreciate your support. Your generosity keeps Success! afloat.

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